Ventilator Splitting, Quantum Chemistry, & More

by | Sep 21, 2020 | The Coupi Review, Uncategorized

Welcome to our monthly roundup of the best links on the internet about engineering, physics, and computer modeling! This month’s edition is full of interesting videos, articles, and resources to keep you up to date with the world of computer-assisted engineering, and discrete elements methods.

Simulating the Real World

  • Duke University is leading an effort to make splitting a ventilator between two patients more reliable and safer with the help of thousands of hours of complex computer simulations.
  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture has funded a Cornell-led effort to use a computer model to improve the impact of dairy farms to the environment.

Practical Applications

Chemistry Lesson

  • Google’s quantum computer has sped up the trip towards quantum chemistry, which could hold the key to many great discoveries, by successfully simulating a simple chemical reaction for the first time.

News from Coupi

  • At Coupi, we value all of our team members, especially our talented interns. Intern Brianna Gilmore gives her thoughts on working and learning at Coupi during a pandemic.

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